French lesbian movies

List of the best French lesbian movies selected by visitors to our site: Blue Is the Warmest Color, Daughters of Darkness, Benedetta, Tomboy, Anna, Summertime, Water Lilies, The Nun, Antonia's Line, Oh Mercy.

In the top there are new films of 2021, a plot description and trailers for films that have already been released.

Markimdb: 7.7
Genremelodrama, drama
CountryFrance, Belgium, Spain

Adèle's life is changed when she meets Emma, a young woman with blue hair, who will allow her to discover desire, to assert herself as a woman and as an adult. In front of others, Adele grows, seeks herself, loses herself, finds herself.

Markimdb: 6.5
CountryBelgium, France, West Germany, USA, Canada

A newlywed couple are passing through a vacation resort. Their paths cross with a mysterious, strikingly beautiful countess and her aide.

Markimdb: 6.8
Genremelodrama, drama, biography, history
CountryFrance, Netherlands, Belgium

In the late 17th century, with plague ravaging the land, Benedetta Carlini joins the convent in Pescia, Tuscany, as a novice. Capable from an early age of performing miracles, Benedetta’s impact on life in the community is immediate and momentous.

Markimdb: 7.4

A French family with two daughters, 10-year-old Laure and 6-year-old Jeanne, moves to a new neighborhood during the summer holidays. With her tomboy ways, Laure is immediately mistaken for a boy by the local kids and passes herself off as Mickaël.

Markimdb: 6.6
Genreaction, thriller
CountryFrance, USA, Canada, Russia

Beneath Anna Poliatova's striking beauty lies a secret that will unleash her indelible strength and skill to become one of the world's most feared government assassins.

Markimdb: 6.7
Genremelodrama, drama
CountryFrance, Belgium

In 1971, Carole and Delphine meet and fall in love in Paris. When Carole follows Delphine back to her family farm in Limousin, the two find lesbianism and feminism are not as easy in the countryside.

Markimdb: 6.7
Genremelodrama, drama

Set during a sultry summer in a French suburb, Marie is desperate to join the local pool's synchronized swimming team, but is her interest solely for the sake of sport or for a chance to get close to Floriane, the bad girl of the team? Sciamma, and the two leads, capture the uncertainty of teenage sexuality with a sympathetic eye in this delicate drama of the angst of coming-of-age.

Markimdb: 6.4
CountryFrance, Germany, Belgium

Suzanne Simonin describes her life of suffering in letters. As a young woman she is sent to a convent against her will. Since her parents cannot afford the dowry required for a marriage befitting her rank they decide she must instead become a nun. Although a kind and understanding Mother Superior helps her to learn the convent’s daily routine, Suzanne’s desire for freedom remains unabated. When the Mother Superior dies, Suzanne finds herself faced with reprisals, humiliation and harassment at the hands of the new Abbess and the other Sisters. For many years, Suzanne is subjected to bigotry and religious fanaticism. (

Markimdb: 7.4
Genrecomedy, drama
CountryNetherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, France

After World War II, Antonia and her daughter, Danielle, go back to their Dutch hometown, where Antonia's late mother has bestowed a small farm upon her. There, Antonia settles down and joins a tightly-knit but unusual community. Those around her include quirky friend Crooked Finger, would-be suitor Bas and, eventually for Antonia, a granddaughter and great-granddaughter who help create a strong family of empowered women.

Markimdb: 6.3
Genredrama, crime, detective

A police chief in northern France tries to solve a case where an old woman was brutally murdered.

Markimdb: 5.3

A story about 11 girls living in Paris. Each of them has its own problems: career, love life, children. Every girl has their complexes and virtues. They always look elegant, hiding their inner feelings. Will they reach all the goals and overcome all their difficulties?

Markimdb: 4.7
Genreaction, thriller, drama, crime

Transferred home after a traumatizing combat mission, a highly trained French soldier uses her lethal skills to hunt down the man who hurt her sister.

Markimdb: 5.3

A narcissistic plastic surgeon, who prefers women of a certain high quality, meets an everyday woman who questions his morals, his methods and his meaning to life.

Markimdb: 6.5
Genredrama, music, biography, history
CountryFrance, Belgium, Czech Republic

Nothing in her background destined Loïe Fuller from the American Midwest to become a Belle Epoque icon, even less a dancer at the Paris Opera. Even at the risk of destroying her back and burning her eyes with the stage lights, she will never falter in the quest to perfect her dance. But her encounter with Isadora Duncan, a prodigious young dancer hungry for fame and glory, will precipitate the fall of this icon at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Markimdb: 6.2
Genremelodrama, drama, history
CountryFrance, Spain

A look at the relationship between Marie Antoinette and one of her readers during the final days of the French Revolution.

Markimdb: 7
Genrecomedy, melodrama, drama
CountryFrance, Spain, United Kingdom

Five years after their summer together in Barcelona, Xavier, William, Wendy, Martine and Isabelle reunite.

Markimdb: 6.3
Genrethriller, melodrama, drama, detective
CountryUSA, Canada, France

A doctor hires an escort to seduce her husband, whom she suspects of cheating, though unforeseen events put the family in danger.

Markimdb: 8.1

On an isolated island in Brittany at the end of the 18th century, an artist is commissioned to paint a young woman's wedding portrait.

Markimdb: 7.1

Charlie, a 17-year-old girl tortured by doubt, is thrilled when she becomes friends with Sarah, but when Sarah tires of Charlie and looks for a new friend, their relationship takes an ominous turn.

Markimdb: 6.3
Genrecomedy, melodrama
CountryFrance, Belgium

Charlotte is cheating on Micha with Mélodie. Not suspecting a thing, yet feeling neglected, Micha in turn cheats on Charlotte. But also with Mélodie. For Mélodie, things are topsy-turvy. She lies to both of them. She is privy to each of their lies. And is in love with both of them at the same time.

Markimdb: 6.7
Genremelodrama, drama, biography, history
CountryUnited Kingdom, USA, France, Hungary, Netherlands

After marrying a successful Parisian writer known commonly as Willy, Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette is transplanted from her childhood home in rural France to the intellectual and artistic splendor of Paris. Soon after, Willy convinces Colette to ghostwrite for him. She pens a semi-autobiographical novel about a witty and brazen country girl named Claudine, sparking a bestseller and a cultural sensation. After its success, Colette and Willy become the talk of Paris and their adventures inspire additional Claudine novels.

Markimdb: 5

George, a charismatic and adventurous young woman, born from an old, catholic family, falls in love, in her teens, with a female teacher named Sybil. Devastated by her lover's eventual suicide, some years later, George embarks on an exciting and reckless journey to the depths of Pigalle's nightlife, circa 1960. After an encounter with a very wealthy, still attractive, but older woman, Odete, who offers her money and gifts in return for sexual favours, George becomes Gigola, a kind of gigolo for women only.

Markimdb: 6.3
Genrethriller, drama, crime

The daughter of one of the architects who built the Eiffel Tower gets framed for a murder that has taken place there, so she and her girlfriend embark on a quest across Paris to solve the mystery.

Markimdb: 5.8
Genrethriller, drama
CountryFrance, Belgium

Sibyl, a jaded psychotherapist, returns to her first passion: writing. But her newest patient Margot, a troubled up-and-coming actress, proves to be a source of inspiration that is far too tempting. Fascinated almost to the point of obsession, Sibyl becomes more and more involved in Margot’s tumultuous life, reviving volatile memories that bring her face to face with her past.

Markimdb: 5.8
Genrecomedy, drama
CountryFrance, Belgium

Paulette Van Der Beck and her husband have been running the housekeeping school of Bitche in Alsace for many years. Their mission is to train teenage girls to become the perfect housewives at a time when women were expected to be subservient to their husband. After the sudden death of her husband, Paulette discovers that the school is on the verge of bankruptcy and has to take her responsibilities. But while preparations are underway for the best housekeeping competition TV show, she and her lively students start questioning their beliefs as the nation-wide protests of May 1968 transform society around them. Reunited with her first love, André, and with the help of her eccentric stepsister Gilberte and strict nun Marie-Therese, Paulette joins forces with the schoolgirls to overcome their suppressed status and become liberated women.

Markimdb: 6.6
Genremelodrama, drama
CountryUnited Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, USA

A woman learns about the death of her Orthodox Jewish father, a rabbi. She returns home and has romantic feelings rekindled for her best childhood friend, who is now married to her cousin.

Markimdb: 6.3
Genremelodrama, drama

Annabelle is the wise-beyond-her-years newcomer to an exclusive Catholic girls school. Having been expelled from her first two schools she's bound to stir some trouble. Sparks fly though when sexual chemistry appears between her and the Head of her dorm and English teacher, Simone Bradley. Annabelle pursues her relentlessly and until the end the older woman manages to avoid the law.

Markimdb: 7.5
CountryRomania, France, Belgium

A drama centered on the friendship between two young women who grew up in the same orphanage; one has found refuge at a convent in Romania and refuses to leave with her friend, who now lives in Germany.

Markimdb: 6
Genrecomedy, drama
CountryFrance, Belgium

Every year, Bruno makes a tour of all the wine stands, without setting foot outside the Show’s premises and without ever finishing his wine trail. This year, his father suggests they finish it together, but a real wine trail, across the French countryside. Accompanied by Mike, a young, quirky taxi driver, they set off in the direction of France’s major wine regions. Together, they are going to discover not only the wine trails, but also the road that leads back to Love.

Markimdb: 6.9
Genrethriller, drama
CountryFrance, Belgium

Young dancers gather in a remote and empty school building to rehearse on a cold and wintry night. The all-night celebration soon turns into a hallucinatory nightmare when they learn that their sangria is laced with LSD.

Markimdb: 7
Genrehorror, fantastic, thriller, fantasy, melodrama, drama, detective
CountryNorway, France, Denmark, Sweden

A college student starts to experience extreme seizures while studying at a university in Oslo, Norway. She soon learns that the violent episodes are a symptom of inexplicable, and often dangerous, supernatural abilities.

Markimdb: 7.1
Genrecomedy, melodrama, drama
CountryFrance, Lebanon

In a beauty salon in Beirut the lives of five women cross paths. The beauty salon is a colorful and sensual microcosm where they share and entrust their hopes, fears and expectations.

Markimdb: 7.9
Genrethriller, drama, detective
CountryUSA, France

    After a car wreck on the winding Mulholland Drive renders a woman amnesic, she and a perky Hollywood-hopeful search for clues and answers across Los Angeles in a twisting venture beyond dreams and reality.

    Markimdb: 4.9
    CountryFrance, USA

    A young drifter named Nomi arrives in Las Vegas to become a dancer and soon sets about clawing and pushing her way to become a top showgirl.

    Markimdb: 5.9
    Genrecomedy, drama

    Kelly, Dan and Louis are students at a prestigious business school, destined to become tomorrow's elite. The industrious trio are determined to start putting their education into practise from the off in an attempt to make as much money as they can from their fellow students. Working on the theory that relationships between the sexes can be regulated by market principles, they begin to inflate the popularity of certain individuals artificially, by hiring beautiful and sexy off-campus women as their dates for exclusive and riotous college parties. However their perfect business model soon spirals out of control as their moneymaking scheme takes off in a big way across campus.

    Markimdb: 5.7

    A comedy about funny adventures of the group of French people during the summer vacation.

    Markimdb: 6.9
    Genremelodrama, drama, biography
    CountryFrance, Belgium

    Born out of wedlock early in the last century, Violette Leduc meets Simone de Beauvoir in postwar Saint-Germain-des-Près. An intense lifelong relationship develops between the two women authors, based on Violette's quest for freedom through writing and on Simone's conviction that she holds in her hands the destiny of an extraordinary writer.

    Markimdb: 6.2
    Genrethriller, melodrama, crime, detective
    CountryFrance, Mexico, Luxembourg

    In the summer of 1979, gay porn producer Anne sets out to film her most ambitious film yet, but her actors are picked off, one by one, by a mysterious killer.

    Markimdb: 7.2
    CountryIsrael, France

    The film captures the daily duality of three young Palestinian women in Tel Aviv, caught between hometown tradition and big city abandon, and the price they must pay for a lifestyle that seems obvious to many: the freedom to work, party, fuck, and choose.

    Markimdb: 6.6
    Genremelodrama, drama, biography
    CountryUSA, United Kingdom, France

    New Jersey car mechanic Stacie Andree and her police detective girlfriend Laurel Hester both battle to secure Hester's pension benefits after she was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

    Markimdb: 6.4

    After learning of her husband's infidelities, a housewife invites an itinerant lesbian to move in with them. None of their lives will ever be the same again.

    Markimdb: 6.8
    Genrefantasy, melodrama
    CountryBrazil, France, Germany

    Clara, a lonely nurse from the outskirts of São Paulo, is hired by mysterious and wealthy Ana as the nanny for her unborn child. The two women develop a strong bond, but a fateful night changes their plans.

    Markimdb: 6.7
    Genremelodrama, drama
    CountryUnited Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, France, USA

    Albert Nobbs struggles to survive in late 19th century Ireland, where women aren't encouraged to be independent. Posing as a man, so she can work as a butler in Dublin's most posh hotel, Albert meets a handsome painter and looks to escape the lie she has been living.

    Markimdb: 6.7
    Genredrama, history
    CountryFrance, Belgium, United Kingdom

    After many years of confrontation, the treasures of Spain and France are empty. In 1721, the regent of France draws up an ambitious plan to inaugurate an era of peace and prosperity that will heal the economies of both nations: his intention is to build a solid network of marriage alliances that will involve four children of very different ages who know nothing of betrayals and power games…

    Markimdb: 6.6
    Genremelodrama, drama

    Antoine Rey looks for a special gift for his sister Melanie on her 40th birthday. He decides to surprise her with a trip to the French Island of Noirmoutier, where they spent many summers as children until their mother's death. On the drive back to Paris, Melanie is seriously injured in a car accident...

    Markimdb: 5.9
    CountryFrance, USA, Iran

    A wealthy Iranian family struggles to contain a teenager's growing sexual rebellion and her brother's newfound conservatism.

    Markimdb: 7.4
    Genrecomedy, drama, music
    CountryUnited Kingdom, France, Germany

    The Boat that Rocked is an ensemble comedy, where the romance is between the young people of the 60s, and pop music. It's about a band of DJs that captivate Britain, playing the music that defines a generation and standing up to a government that wanted control of popular culture via the British Broadcasting Corporation. Loosely based on the events in Britain in the 60's when the Labour government of Harold Wilson, wanted to bring the pirate stations under control, enough to see the passage of the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act on 15 August 1967

    Markimdb: 6.1
    Genrecomedy, melodrama, drama

    Claude and Marie Verneuil face a new crisis. The four spouses of their daughters, David, Rachid, Chao and Charles decided to leave France for various reasons. Here they are imagining their lives elsewhere.

    Markimdb: 5.9
    Genrecomedy, melodrama
    CountryFrance, USA

    It's an hour before Lucy's wedding and her best friend wants to hear all about what led up to that moment. So, Lucy tells about the five men she had blind dates with over the past year (Doug, Gabriel, Bobby, Barry, and Luke) and her experiences with each one. But which one of the five men is Lucy about to walk down the aisle with?

    Markimdb: 6.6
    Genredrama, crime, biography
    CountryCzech Republic, Poland, France, Slovakia

    Olga is a complex young woman desperate to break free from her unfeeling family and social conventions. With her Louise Brooks-like tomboyish looks she drags herself, chain-smoking, from one job to another until she appears to find her niche as a truck driver. Although she has female lovers she does not form a bond with any of them; instead she clashes, time and again, venting herself in wordless emotional outbursts and other behavioural extremes.
