Walter Olkewicz — Filmography

Walter Olkewicz
Actor. Popular movies: Twin Peaks (1990), Batman: The Animated Series (1992), Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)


Actor (76)
By years
Twin Peaks (tv-series 2017)
imdb: 8.5
Jean-Michel Renault
Raven (movie 1996)
imdb: 4.5
Bernie DeFrewd
Futureworld (movie 1976)
imdb: 5.7
Chief Technician
comedy: 40 (23%)
drama: 31 (18%)
crime: 13 (8%)
thriller: 13 (8%)
fantastic: 9 (5%)
melodrama: 9 (5%)
horror: 8 (5%)
action: 8 (5%)
adventure: 7 (4%)
detective: 7 (4%)
Popular films and TV series
