Pietro Torrisi — Filmography

Pietro Torrisi
Actor. Popular movies: Gangs of New York (2002), Caligula (1979), Popeye (1980)


Actor (123)
By years
Popeye (movie 1980)
imdb: 5.3
Bolo, a Tough
The Witches (movie 1967)
imdb: 6
Batman (segment "Sera come le altre, Una")
comedy: 48 (18%)
western: 46 (17%)
action: 41 (15%)
adventure: 31 (12%)
drama: 29 (11%)
crime: 22 (8%)
thriller: 12 (4%)
fantasy: 9 (3%)
melodrama: 7 (3%)
history: 5 (2%)
Popular films and TV series
