Swedish films about loneliness

List of the best Swedish films about loneliness, selected by visitors to our site: Sweat, The Huntress: Rune of the Dead, In a Better World, Songs from the Second Floor, Adult Life Skills, Out Stealing Horses, The Wife, Something Must Break, Smiles of a Summer Night, Ego.

In the top there are new films of 2022, a plot description and trailers for films that have already been released.

Markimdb: 6.6
CountryPoland, Sweden

Three days in the life of fitness motivator Sylwia Zając, whose presence on social media has made her a celebrity. Although she has hundreds of thousands of followers, is surrounded by loyal employees and admired by acquaintances, she is looking for true intimacy.

Markimdb: 5.1
Genrehorror, action, fantasy
CountrySweden, USA

When Runa’s father disappears on a viking journey she steps up as head of her family, but she is tormented by strange nightmares. One day when she is out hunting, she stumbles across a wounded warrior who carries news of her father, new that seem connected to her dreams. Something is coming for them, something vile.

Markimdb: 7.6
Genremelodrama, drama
CountryDenmark, Sweden

The lives of two Danish families cross each other, and an extraordinary but risky friendship comes into bud. But loneliness, frailty and sorrow lie in wait.

Markimdb: 7.5
Genrecomedy, drama
CountrySweden, Norway, Denmark

A film poem inspired by the Peruvian poet César Vallejo. A story about our need for love, our confusion, greatness and smallness and, most of all, our vulnerability. It is a story with many characters, among them a father and his mistress, his youngest son and his girlfriend. It is a film about big lies, abandonment and the eternal longing for companionship and confirmation.

Markimdb: 6.2
Genrecomedy, drama
CountryUnited Kingdom, Sweden

Anna is stuck: she’s approaching 30 and has just moved back to her rural home-town, and into a shed in her mother’s backyard. She spends her time working a menial job at a local boating center and hides in the depths of her imagination, making movies with her thumbs. Irritated by her childish behavior, Anna's mother insists that she move out of her shed and on with her life. When a troubled young boy starts hanging around, the two form an unlikely bond. Through their strange yet mutually beneficial friendship, Anna slowly begins to confront her perpetual state of arrested development.

Markimdb: 6.5
Genredrama, detective
CountryNorway, Sweden, Denmark

A grieving widower moves to the country where a chance encounter rekindles memories from his past.

Markimdb: 7.2
CountryUnited Kingdom, Sweden, USA

A wife questions her life choices as she travels to Stockholm with her husband, where he is slated to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Markimdb: 6.7
Genremelodrama, drama

When Sebastian meets Andreas for the first time, he knows they belong together. While Sebastian defies gender norms — flouting convention in his androgynous fluidity — straight-identifying Andreas becomes unable to accept his attraction to another man, as their relationship progresses. Struggling with his identity, Sebastian becomes increasingly determined to become “Ellie,” even if it means walking away from Andreas. Something Must Break brims with raw electricity as it explores questions of gender and sexuality with refreshing candor.

Markimdb: 7.7
Genrecomedy, melodrama

Early in the 20th century, middle-aged lawyer Fredrik Egerman and his young wife, Anne, have still not consummated their marriage, while Fredrik's son finds himself increasingly attracted to his new stepmother. To make matters worse, Fredrik's old flame Desiree makes a public bet that she can seduce him at a romantic weekend retreat where four couples convene, swapping partners and pairing off in unexpected ways.

Markimdb: 6.1
Genrecomedy, melodrama, drama

For Sebastian Silverberg life is all about his appearance, partying and his enormous ego. Things are going smoothly when an accident leaves him blind, forcing him to re-evaluate his life and to seek meaning beyond appearances.

Markimdb: 7.7
Genrecomedy, melodrama, drama

Despite grumpy 59 year-old Ove being deposed as president of his condominium association, but he keeps looking over the neighbourhood with an iron fist. When pregnant Parvaneh and her family move into the terraced house opposite Ove and she accidentally back into Ove’s mailbox, it sets off a series of unexpected changes in his life.

Markimdb: 7.2
Genrecomedy, drama
CountrySweden, France, Norway, Denmark, Italy

While holidaying in the French Alps, a Swedish family deals with acts of cowardliness as an avalanche breaks out.

Markimdb: 5.6
Genrethriller, fantasy, drama, detective

DD is a smug fellow, almost 30 years of age, who can manage all by himself. At least that's what he thinks. However, a strange woman - Lova - enters his life, hunted by evil men who want to hurt her. Against his will, DD is forced into a series of horrific events.

Markimdb: 6.4
CountrySweden, Denmark

Erika is mentally bruised and starts group therapy with people seeking absolute anonymity.

Markimdb: 6.7
Genreaction, thriller, crime

A group of young robbers, specializing in robbing shopping center security guards, are raging through out Gothenburg. A robbery goes awry when an innocent passerby is killed. Ricky, the gang's young leader, tries to quickly find an expert who can clean the money of the dye pack that exploded while Johan Falk, and his colleagues at GSI, accelerate their hunt.

Markimdb: 6.8
Genrefantasy, drama
CountrySweden, Germany, Norway, France

Inspired by “One Thousand and One Nights,” the celebrated collection of Middle Eastern and Indian folk tales, “About Endlessness,” in its juxtaposition of tableaux capturing moments in life, explores the preciousness and beauty of our existence, awakening in us the wish to maintain this eternal treasure and pass it on.

Markimdb: 6.7
Genrethriller, drama, crime
CountrySweden, Belgium

The captivating story of Sweden's greatest judicial scandal ever, about one man who sacrificed everything in his hunt for the truth.

Markimdb: 6.1
Genredrama, crime
CountryDenmark, Sweden

Helen, a priest, is approached by scientist Lisbeth with a desperate plea for help. A young man, who has been sent to a high security psychiatric ward after having killed an old couple, has attempted suicide while rambling about God. Having been part of an experiment attempting to humanize inmates by assigning them pets, the young man has suddenly gone ballistic. Fearing that he will attempt suicide again priest and scientist must now confront their mutual animosities while trying to grasp the truth. In a race against time the two women begin a shocking journey deeper and deeper into the sick mind of a young man's soul.

Markimdb: 7.3
Genrecomedy, melodrama, drama, family
CountrySweden, Denmark

The summer of '58, the year Sweden almost won the world championship in soccer over Brazil, Yngve Johansson accepts two children to live with him during the summer, as told through the eyes of a young boy. His name is Mårten, and the other child's name is Annika. She is a rough girl, with many problems. The three of them do not get along, and Yngve is a true dictator to the children's eyes. However, when the children discover that their new guardian has a crush on their teacher (Cecilia Nilsson), they do what they can to bring the two together. Soon enough, the three will discover that they have a lot more in common than they previously imagined, and together they can make their lives worth living again. This is a sweet story about life in Sweden in the mid 1900's. It is about family, love, hate, innocent friendship that we all can relate to, and much, much more...

Markimdb: 7
CountrySweden, Finland, Denmark

A poignant story, told with sincerity and humor, about a young woman´s dramatic childhood and about her grief and the struggle to move on. Noomi Rapace plays the main character in her first feature after the success with the Millennium trilogy and she plays opposite her husband, actor Ola Rapace.Award winning actress Pernilla August makes her directorial debut with her take on the bestselling novel Svinalängorna by Susanna Alakoski.In other main roles we see rising star Tehilla Blad and the Finnish acclaimed actors, Ville Virtanen and Outi Mäenpää.A morning just before Christmas, Leena, 34, receives a phone call from a hospital in her childhood hometown telling her that her mother is dying. This news takes her on a journey to face her mother for the first time in her adult life. Leena has fought all her life to let go of her grief over her lost and dark childhood. She is now forced to deal with her past to be able to move on.

Markimdb: 7.4
Genredocumentary, biography
CountrySweden, Denmark, Germany

A personal portrait of mythical and controversial actress Ingrid Bergman based on her many home movies and diaries.

Markimdb: 6
CountryFinland, Sweden

Mikko Virtanen feels like a Swedish soul trapped in a Finnish body. Full of disgust for everything Finnish, he sees Sweden as heaven. Upon meeting a suicidal Swedish psychologist Mikael Anderson, he seizes an opportunity for an identity switch. Raspberry Boat Refugee is a comedy about cultural differences in the Nordic countries, their nationalism and, not least, prejudices about our neighbours. It also proves how futile it is to try to escape oneself.

Markimdb: 6
Genrecomedy, melodrama

Agnes has most things in life: a family who are always there for her, a good job in the restaurant industry, a boyfriend who loves her, and a best friend whom she knows inside out. Or does she? All of a sudden things begin to crumble, one by one, and soon nothing is as it was.

Markimdb: 6.4

A young Eastern European immigrant working in Sweden is faced with a painful choice when she's laid off from her factory in the name of "efficiencies."

Markimdb: 5
Genrethriller, drama, crime, detective
CountrySweden, Sri Lanka

After a year abroad Estelle returns home to collect her husband's share of the loot from a major robbery.

Markimdb: 5.5
Genredrama, sport

When Emma meets Cassandra, they initiate a relationship filled with physical and psychological challenges. Emma does whatever it takes to master the rules of the game. Lines are crossed and the stakes get higher and higher. Despite this, Emma can't resist the intoxicating feeling of total control.

Markimdb: 7
Genrethriller, fantasy, melodrama, drama, crime, detective
CountrySweden, Denmark

When a border guard with a sixth sense for identifying smugglers encounters the first person she cannot prove is guilty, she is forced to confront terrifying revelations about herself and humankind.

Markimdb: 7
Genredrama, crime

Minna, a drug addict who makes a living dealing drugs, can't pay rent and after cheating some delinquents she runs with the money. She meets Katja and they move together to an illegal residence outside the city, where a group of people have decided to join and live by their own rules.

Markimdb: 4.4

In a small mining community in Northern Sweden, a group of youngsters about to take the leap in the adult age fight with themselves and the world around, while the ground literally trembles under their feet.

Markimdb: 6.5

Duct tape, electrical cables, trigger, explosives. Sebbe never planned to build a bomb. It just happened. Sebbe is 15 years old and lives with his mother in an apartment that is too narrow. He does his best. He never strikes back. Sebbe loves his mother because he knows nothing else. In the junkyard the dream is alive, and in the hands of Sebbe, dead objects come to life. Here he has the power to create. Here he is free - but alone. His isolation grows as his world shrinks, until one day he is completely isolated with no other than his mother. And when she falls, everything falls.

Markimdb: 6.7

Internationally Sweden is seen as a perfect society, a raw model and a symbol of the highest achievements of human progress. The Swedish Theory of Love digs into the true nature of Swedish life style, explores the existential black holes of a society that has created the most autonomous people in the world.

Markimdb: 4.4

Eric, an ordinary man in his mid 30's with an ordinary job wins a large sum of money playing the lottery. Despite his total lack of talent, he quits his job and sets off to learning how to play soccer. Eric firmly believes that if he spends 10 000 hours of training on what he sets his mind to, he can master just about anything.

Markimdb: 7.1
Genredrama, biography
CountrySweden, Denmark

When Astrid Lindgren was very young something happened that affected her profoundly, and this combination of both miracle and calamity came to shape her entire life. It was an event that transformed her into one of the most inspiring women of our age and the storyteller a whole world would come to love. This is the story of when a young Astrid, despite the expectations of her time and religious upbringing, decided to break free from society's norms and follow her heart.

Markimdb: 6.9

From the producer of Dosage V - Alpine Blocs comes a 35mm bouldering flick about bouldering on planet Earth: PURE. Pure is about 19 extraordinary climbers in six countries on three continents , with no ropes.

Markimdb: 7.3
Genrethriller, drama
CountryDenmark, Sweden

When a brilliant drone engineer, Victoria, is taken hostage in her own home, a series of dangerous events are set into motion in this high octane thriller.

Markimdb: 7.3
Genredrama, history
CountryNorway, Denmark, Sweden

Elle Marja, 14, is a reindeer-breeding Sami girl. Exposed to the racism of the 1930s and phrenological examinations at her boarding school, she starts dreaming of another life. To achieve this other life she has to become someone else and break all ties with her family and culture.

Markimdb: 7.5
CountryDenmark, Sweden

As children, Nick and his little brother take care of their baby brother while their mother drinks herself senseless. But the baby dies, and both brothers blame themselves. Many years later, Nick is out of prison after serving time for an assault. He drinks, lives in a shelter and tries to help an old friend. When their mother dies, Nick meets his brother at the funeral. The brother, who remains nameless, is a single father to a young boy, but also supports a drug habit that is spiraling out of control. When an opportunity presents itself, he becomes a drug dealer to secure his son's future. Eventually, the two brothers meet again.

Markimdb: 6.5
CountrySweden, Denmark, Germany, Norway

Epic story about two families and their friendship and common destiny in Sweden's Gothenburg in the 1940s and 1950s. Told from the perspective of young Simon Larsson, who learns that he's an adopted child who has a Jewish father from Germany. After WWII Simon travels to explore his roots - a journey that leads to the basic mysteries of the human life. After the bestselling novel by Marianne Fredriksson.

Markimdb: 6.8

The story of a lone father's relationship with his daughter, of the destructive power of alcohol, of a child's vulnerability, but also of love, betrayal and socialist politics in 1970s Sweden. A unique and moving story freely based on Åsa Linderborg's best-selling novel.

Markimdb: 7
Genrehorror, fantastic, thriller, fantasy, melodrama, drama, detective
CountryNorway, France, Denmark, Sweden

A college student starts to experience extreme seizures while studying at a university in Oslo, Norway. She soon learns that the violent episodes are a symptom of inexplicable, and often dangerous, supernatural abilities.

Markimdb: 7
Genrefantasy, comedy, drama, adventure
CountryUSA, Sweden

    Alone on a tiny deserted island, Hank has given up all hope of ever making it home again. But one day everything changes when a dead body washes ashore, and he soon realizes it may be his last opportunity to escape certain death. Armed with his new “friend” and an unusual bag of tricks, the duo go on an epic adventure to bring Hank back to the woman of his dreams.

    Markimdb: 7.1
    Genrehorror, thriller, drama
    CountryUSA, Sweden

    A group of friends travels to Sweden to visit the rural hometown of one of them and attend its mid-summer festival. What begins as an idyllic retreat quickly descends into an increasingly violent and bizarre competition at the hands of a pagan cult.

    Markimdb: 6.8
    Genrecomedy, drama, biography, history, sport
    CountryDenmark, United Kingdom, Sweden

    The 1992 Danish football team competes for the European Championship.

    Markimdb: 6.5
    Genrethriller, drama
    CountrySweden, Norway, Finland, Republic of Ireland

    Stockholm, late 1970s. Within a stone’s throw of government buildings and juvenile homes lies the seductive world of sex clubs, discotheques and private residences. Call Girl tells the story of how young Iris is recruited from the bottom of society into a ruthless world where power can get you anything.

    Markimdb: 7.4
    Genrethriller, drama, crime, detective
    CountrySweden, France

    Kahina Zadi, 32, a French police officer travels to Kiruna in Sweden to investigate the bestial murder of a French citizen. Together with Anders, a Swedish prosecutor of Sami origin, she begins an investigation. Soon new killings start to happen and the first victim turns out to be the tip of a very dark iceberg. The victims seemingly have nothing in common more than that they are all being killed in a well-planned and vicious manner. In their hunt for the truth, both Kahina and Anders are forced to deal with their own past that they have repressed. A personal journey through a painful past becomes the key to succeed in preventing the violent killings that affects the small mining community of Kiruna.

    Markimdb: 7.5
    Genrethriller, drama, crime, detective
    CountrySweden, Germany, Belgium

    A late summer night in 1990 a young pregnant woman is brutally murdered by being buried in the sand, to slowly become submerged by the tide. 25 years later, the sadistic murder remains unsolved. Olivia Rönning receives the task of studying the case as a cold case exercise at the Police Academy. Olivia becomes almost obsessed with the murder when she discovers that her father previously worked with the investigation. She quickly realizes that she must get a hold of the principal investigator, detective Tom Stilton, but he seems to have disappeared from the face of the Earth.

    Markimdb: 7
    Genrecomedy, melodrama, drama

    Simon has Asperger's syndrome and doesn't like changes in his life. He lives with his big brother Sam and Sam's girlfriend Frida. When Frida can't stand having to adapt to Simon's peculiarities anymore she takes off, leaving Simon with having to find a new, perfect, girlfriend for his brother.

    Markimdb: 5.6
    Genrehorror, thriller, fantasy, drama
    CountryFrance, Sweden

    Tom (8) and Benjamin (11) travel to Stockholm to spend the summer with their father, whom they have barely seen since he divorced their mother. Tom, in particular, knows next to nothing about this strange, solitary man who seems never to sleep. When he suggests they spend a few days at his cabin in the country, the boys are delighted. But the cabin is totally isolated in the middle of a huge forest, a place both beautiful and troubling.

    Markimdb: 8.2

    Crotchety retired doctor Isak Borg travels from Stockholm to Lund, Sweden, with his pregnant and unhappy daughter-in-law, Marianne, in order to receive an honorary degree from his alma mater. Along the way, they encounter a series of hitchhikers, each of whom causes the elderly doctor to muse upon the pleasures and failures of his own life. These include the vivacious young Sara, a dead ringer for the doctor's own first love.

    Markimdb: 5.7
    Genrethriller, drama, detective

    On a foggy day, Julia's six-year-old son Jens is called missing. Despite a thorough search, the boy is never found. Twenty years later, Julia’s father receives one of the shoes Jens was wearing the day he disappeared. Who sent it? Why? Is the boy still alive? This inexplicable act suddenly awakens a hope in Julia that she might see her son again… or that she could find his body and murderer. As she returns to her father’s island, she hears stories of the mythical Nils Kant – a murderer who once was the terror of the island. He is dead and buried for years, long before Julia’s son disappeared. But Julia’s father uncovers that his death and burial were only a fake. While on his tracks, Julia accepts the help and love of Lennart, a local police inspector. His dark and mysterious past brings him a lot closer to Jens’s disappearance that she might think…
