Yoshifumi Tajima — Filmography

Yoshifumi Tajima
Actor. Popular movies: High and Low (1963), The Hidden Fortress (1958), The Bad Sleep Well (1960)


Actor (62)
By years
Godzilla 1985 (movie 1985)
imdb: 6.1
Environemental Director General Hidaka
Japan's Longest Day (movie 1967)
imdb: 7.7
Colonel Watanabe - CO Imperial Guards 1st Infantry Regiment
High and Low (movie 1963)
imdb: 8.4
Chief Prison Officer
47 Ronin (movie 1962)
imdb: 7.6
Shuzen Wakisaka
King Kong vs. Godzilla (movie 1962)
imdb: 5.7
Captain of Fujita's Ship - Japanese version only
Varan (movie 1958)
imdb: 5.4
Captain of Uranami
Rodan (movie 1956)
imdb: 6.2
Izeki, reporter of Seibu Nippou
drama: 42 (23%)
action: 23 (13%)
fantastic: 21 (11%)
horror: 18 (10%)
adventure: 17 (9%)
thriller: 14 (8%)
crime: 10 (5%)
history: 10 (5%)
military: 7 (4%)
fantasy: 6 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
