Thomas Ian Nicholas — Filmography

Thomas Ian Nicholas
Actor, Producer, Director. Popular movies: American Pie (1999), Halloween: Resurrection (2002), Rookie of the Year (1993)


By years
Adverse (movie 2020)
imdb: 5.2
lead role Ethan
Zeroville (movie 2019)
imdb: 4.5
Martin Scorsese
The Lost Tree (movie 2015)
imdb: 5
lead role Noah Ericson
InSight (movie 2011)
imdb: 4.8
Stephen Geiger
Cattle Call (movie 2006)
imdb: 3.7
lead role Ritchie Rey
Rookie of the Year (movie 1993)
imdb: 6
lead role Henry Rowengartner
comedy: 27 (20%)
drama: 20 (15%)
thriller: 13 (10%)
horror: 9 (7%)
family: 8 (6%)
action: 8 (6%)
fantasy: 8 (6%)
adventure: 7 (5%)
crime: 5 (4%)
detective: 5 (4%)
Popular films and TV series
