Paul Winfield — Filmography

Paul Winfield
Actor. Popular movies: Sounder (1972), High Velocity (1976), It's Good to Be Alive (1974)


Actor (98)
By years
227 (tv-series 1985)
imdb: 6.6
Julian C. Barlow
Hustle (movie 1975)
imdb: 6.2
Sgt. Louis Belgrave
It's Good to Be Alive (movie 1974)
imdb: 6.8
lead role Roy Campanella
Sounder (movie 1972)
imdb: 7.6
lead role Nathan Lee Morgan
drama: 59 (25%)
thriller: 24 (10%)
action: 17 (7%)
comedy: 17 (7%)
family: 17 (7%)
crime: 15 (6%)
adventure: 13 (6%)
fantastic: 10 (4%)
cartoon: 8 (3%)
detective: 8 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
