Etienne Chicot — Filmography

Etienne Chicot
Actor, Composer, Writer. Popular movies: Le vent de la Toussaint (1991)


By years
Black Earth Rising (tv-series 2018)
imdb: 7.5
Saint Septus Abbey Abbott
The Killer (movie 2017)
imdb: 6.1
Monsieur Blanchard
Superchondriac (movie 2014)
imdb: 6
La professeur urgences
À l'aventure (movie 2008)
imdb: 5.4
L'homme sur le banc
Royal Palace (movie 2005)
imdb: 5.6
Le photographe Olah!
Payoff (movie 2003)
imdb: 4.6
Commissaire Cagnoty
Le vent de la Toussaint (movie 1991)
imdb: 4
lead role Le docteur Marc Helluin
Dancing Machine (movie 1990)
imdb: 4
Le commissaire divisionnaire Le Guellec
The Good and the Bad (movie 1975)
imdb: 6.7
Le premier client de Lola
drama: 53 (29%)
crime: 25 (14%)
comedy: 24 (13%)
thriller: 21 (11%)
melodrama: 12 (7%)
action: 10 (5%)
detective: 10 (5%)
adventure: 5 (3%)
fantastic: 5 (3%)
military: 4 (2%)
Popular films and TV series
