Tom Steele — Filmography

Tom Steele
Actor. Popular movies: Citizen Kane (1941), Blazing Saddles (1974), Spartacus (1960)


Actor (208)
By years
King of the Carnival (movie 1955)
imdb: 4.5
Matt Winston, Acrobat [Ch.7]
Government Agents vs Phantom Legion (movie 1951)
imdb: 6
Brandt [Ch. 1] / Warehouse Thug [Ch. 3]
G-Men Never Forget (movie 1948)
imdb: 6.6
John Parker (Lanky Thug), [Chs. 2, 6] / Gifford [Ch. 7] / Jack [Ch. 11]
The Denver Kid (movie 1948)
imdb: 6.3
Jeff, Border Patrol
Daughter of Don Q (movie 1946)
imdb: 6.6
Kidnapper Norton / Streetsweeper Blake / MineThug Dow / BombThug Lyons [Chs. 2, 5, 7, 10]
Manhunt of Mystery Island (movie 1945)
imdb: 7
Lyons - Thug / Bailey [Chs. 3-4, 10, 13]
action: 85 (17%)
western: 83 (17%)
adventure: 77 (16%)
drama: 49 (10%)
crime: 42 (9%)
fantastic: 32 (7%)
melodrama: 25 (5%)
comedy: 21 (4%)
thriller: 18 (4%)
military: 13 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
