Rita Davies — Filmography

Rita Davies
Actor. Popular movies: Sherlock (2010), Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975), Children of Men (2006)


Actor (54)
By years
House of Anubis (tv-series 2011)
imdb: 7.2
Sarah Frobisher-Smythe
The Trip (tv-series 2011)
imdb: 8
Dove Cottage Worker
The Trip (movie 2010)
imdb: 7
Dove Cottage Worker
The Broken (movie 2008)
imdb: 5.4
Old Lady in Underground
The Da Vinci Code (movie 2006)
imdb: 6.6
Elegant Woman at Rosslyn
drama: 33 (26%)
comedy: 23 (18%)
thriller: 13 (10%)
crime: 10 (8%)
detective: 9 (7%)
fantasy: 5 (4%)
action: 5 (4%)
melodrama: 5 (4%)
horror: 5 (4%)
family: 4 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
