Michael Ensign — Filmography

Michael Ensign
Actor. Popular movies: Titanic (1997), Friends (1994), Ghostbusters (1984)


Actor (105)
By years
The Others (tv-series 2000)
imdb: 7.6
Professor Dan Teplin
Two Guys and a Girl (tv-series 1998)
imdb: 7.4
Chairman at Presentation
Titanic (movie 1997)
imdb: 7.9
Benjamin Guggenheim
License to Drive (movie 1988)
imdb: 6.3
School Teacher / Bus Driver
Maxie (movie 1985)
imdb: 5.4
Cleopatra Director
MacGyver (tv-series 1985)
imdb: 7.7
Professor Wycliff
WarGames (movie 1983)
imdb: 7.1
Beringer's Aide
Buddy Buddy (movie 1981)
imdb: 6.5
Assistant Manager
Raise the Titanic (movie 1980)
imdb: 5.1
Lieutenant Northacker
comedy: 51 (19%)
drama: 51 (19%)
melodrama: 26 (10%)
thriller: 19 (7%)
adventure: 17 (6%)
action: 17 (6%)
crime: 16 (6%)
fantastic: 11 (4%)
fantasy: 10 (4%)
detective: 8 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
