Katey Sagal — Filmography

Katey Sagal
Actor, Producer. Popular movies: Sons of Anarchy (2008), Futurama (1999), Married... with Children (1987)


Actor (83)
By years
The Bastard Executioner (tv-series 2015)
imdb: 6.2
lead role Annora of the Alders
Sons of Anarchy (tv-series 2008)
imdb: 8.6
lead role Gemma Teller Morrow
Trail of Tears (movie 1995)
imdb: 5.7
lead role Annie Cook
Duckman (tv-series 1994)
imdb: 7.8
Duckman's Mother
comedy: 51 (24%)
drama: 33 (15%)
family: 14 (7%)
cartoon: 14 (7%)
melodrama: 13 (6%)
adventure: 13 (6%)
documentary: 10 (5%)
fantastic: 10 (5%)
fantasy: 9 (4%)
crime: 8 (4%)
Popular films and TV series
