Isarco Ravaioli — Filmography

Actor. Popular movies: Danger: Diabolik (1968), The Wild, Wild Planet (1966), Snow Devils (1967)


Actor (49)
By years
Snow Devils (movie 1967)
imdb: 3.6
Norton's Communications Technician
War of the Planets (movie 1966)
imdb: 4
UDSCO HQ Duty Technician
drama: 19 (23%)
action: 12 (15%)
adventure: 8 (10%)
comedy: 8 (10%)
western: 6 (7%)
military: 6 (7%)
thriller: 4 (5%)
fantasy: 3 (4%)
fantastic: 3 (4%)
melodrama: 3 (4%)
Popular films and TV series
