George DiCenzo (в титрах: George Di Cenzo) — Filmography

George DiCenzo (в титрах: George Di Cenzo)
Actor, Producer. Popular movies: She-Ra: Princess of Power (1985), Blackstar (1981), Las Vegas Lady (1975)


Actor (95)
By years
DuckTales (tv-series 1987)
imdb: 8.1
Brigadier Broccoli
Blackstar (tv-series 1981)
imdb: 6.7
lead role John Blackstar
drama: 60 (22%)
crime: 30 (11%)
fantastic: 21 (8%)
action: 20 (7%)
adventure: 19 (7%)
comedy: 19 (7%)
thriller: 17 (6%)
detective: 16 (6%)
cartoon: 16 (6%)
fantasy: 14 (5%)
Popular films and TV series
