Barry Kelley — Filmography

Barry Kelley
Actor. Popular movies: Secret of Deep Harbor (1961)


Actor (96)
By years
The Munsters (tv-series 1964)
imdb: 7.8
Police Commisioner Ludlow
Elmer Gantry (movie 1960)
imdb: 7.7
Police Capt. Holt
The Buccaneer (movie 1958)
imdb: 6.4
Commodore Patterson
The File on Thelma Jordon (movie 1950)
imdb: 6.9
District Attorney William Pierce
drama: 51 (22%)
crime: 30 (13%)
comedy: 27 (11%)
film noir: 19 (8%)
western: 18 (8%)
adventure: 12 (5%)
thriller: 12 (5%)
melodrama: 12 (5%)
action: 10 (4%)
family: 9 (4%)
Popular films and TV series
