Danish films about horses

List of the best children's films about horses, selected by visitors to our site: Long Way North, Little Wing, The Reunion 2: The Funeral, Olsen Gang Gets Polished, Marie Kroyer, A Hijacking, A Conspiracy of Faith, Melancholia, You & Me Forever, Ivan the Incredible.

In the top there are new films of 2022, a plot description and trailers for films that have already been released.

Markimdb: 7.2
Genredrama, adventure, family, cartoon
CountryFrance, Denmark, Belgium, USA

1892, Saint Petersburg. Sasha, a young Russian aristocrat, has always been fascinated by her grandfather's life as an adventurer. A renowned explorer, he designed a magnificent arctic ship, but he hasn't returned from his last expedition to the North Pole. To save her family's honor, Sasha runs away. Headed towards the Great North, she follows her grandfather's trail in search of his famous ship.

Markimdb: 6.8
CountryFinland, Denmark

Little Wing tells the story of 12-year-old Varpu, who's quickly growing to adulthood, and about her mother, who doesn't want to grow up. Varpu lives with her mother and has never met her father. One night Varpu has enough of her riding buddies and her mother. She steals a car and drives up north in search of her father, of whom she only knows the name. But her father is not exactly what she had expected. Meeting him trigger something in Varpu and Siru's life, making them realize their role in each other's lives, and in the world.

Markimdb: 5.7

Thomas is finally getting married, and Andreas has arranged a bachelor party of the century... he thinks. But a shocking death during Thomas' bachelor party sends the three friends off on an unforgettable trip to a funeral; they probably won't be forgiven for. Speed-Dating, infidelity and near death experiences put their relationship on a serious test. The question is whether the three friends will survive the trip and the funeral - and will they make it home in time for Thomas' wedding.

Markimdb: 4.6
Genrecomedy, family, cartoon, crime

Olsen-Banden skal udføre en betroet opgave for selveste Statsministeriet: H.C. Andersens originale fjerpen skal stjæles fra det Danske Export Museum, det gælder angiveligt Rigets sikkerhed og gode omdømme. Men Hallandsen har igen taget røven på Egon.Der er intet mindre end den danske nationalfølelse, Egons ære og 30 millioner på spil. Men Egon har en plan - han skal bruge en boremaskine, et glas honning, en flaske økologisk sveskejuice og en god bunke døde rotter.Christiansborg sættes på den anden ende, metroen forsinkes mere end sædvanligt og Dronningens gardere danser pludselig cancan.

Markimdb: 6.3
Genredrama, biography
CountryDenmark, Sweden

Marie Krøyer is hailed as “the most beautiful woman in Europe” and leads a happy marriage life with her husband the great Danish painter P.S. Krøyer and an adorable daughter. However, not everything in her world is as perfect as it seems, and Marie’s life is crumbling as her dreams of a beloved wife, good mother and successful artist are unfulfilled. After hospitalizing her mentally ill husband Marie leaves for vacation, and in search for peace and comfort she finds herself falling in love with the young composer Hugo Alfven. Once again, internationally acclaimed Bille August exhibits the weaknesses of human beings in comparison to the ruthless nature. The grandeur scenery of deserted Scandinavian oceans speaks in volumes for the protagonists living in silence despite their lives being full of pains.

Markimdb: 7.2
Genrethriller, drama

Tensions are high after a Danish freighter is captured and held for ransom by Somali pirates, leading to weeks of high-stakes negotiations – and an escalating potential for explosive violence.

Markimdb: 7
Genrethriller, crime, detective
CountryDenmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway

An old note is found in a bottle in Jutland which has travelled across the ocean for a long time. The note is hard to decipher, but when the Danish investigators from Section Q receive it, the odd personalities within the section find a new angle on it and try to unveil yet another old and diabolic case even though the lead is cold.

Markimdb: 7.2
Genrehorror, fantastic, drama
CountryDenmark, Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, Poland

Two sisters find their already strained relationship challenged as a mysterious new planet threatens to collide with Earth.

Markimdb: 5.6
Genremelodrama, drama

When Laura and Christine meet Maria, their friendship takes an intense turn to vulnerability, love and sex.

Markimdb: 4.3
Genrecomedy, family, cartoon

Poor Ivan Olsen is plagued by problems bullied at school and constantly pursued by a gang whose greatest pleasure is filling his pants with water. And when Ivan gets home, his dad doesn't have much sympathy for him either because he is crazy about Tarzan and fails to appreciate Ivan's finer qualities. But one day Ivan gets the chance to live up all of his dad's expectations and give the bullies at school a lesson they will never forget. The big question is whether having superpowers makes life any easier?

Markimdb: 6.9
Genredrama, biography

Opening in the seductive style of the sixties, »A Funny Man« uncovers the perennial loneliness that comedian Dirch Passer (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) has found himself in after a fast-tracked rise to fame. He struggles between his own desire to gain critical respect and servicing the audience¿s needs. Costing his kindred friendship to on-stage partner Kjeld Petersen (Lars Ranthe) Dirch takes on Steinbeck's classic »Of Mice and Men«, only for the audience to break out in laughter at his first line. Dirch's Lennie becomes a running joke, and so has, Dirch believes, his own life.

Markimdb: 6.9
CountryDenmark, USA

A whistle blower attempts to reveal the secret behind a nuclear disaster that occurred during the height of the Cold War.

Markimdb: 6.6
Genredrama, biography

Maybe the best thing to come out of Scandinavia during the hippie years was, in fact, the story of a radical libertarian and a hedonist capitalist. Their friendship, forged by being outsiders in a conformist country, took them through years of adulation and success, with slight detours into the welcoming arms of vilification and imprisonment. A joyride through taxation, mass travel, hookers and politics. Not feeling too constrained by historical facts, director Christoffer Boe's story of Simon Spies and Mogens Glistrup covers just a few of their decades in a tale of warmth and humour, defiance and eccentricity.

Markimdb: 6.9
Genrefantasy, comedy, drama
CountrySweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France

An absurdist, surrealistic and shocking pitch-black comedy, which moves freely from nightmare to fantasy to hilariously deadpan humour as it muses on man’s perpetual inhumanity to man.

Markimdb: 7.5

It Takes A Family is a complex, personal story about the director’s family, its secrets and repressed memories. Susanne Kovács knows that her paternal grandparents survived the Holocaust and fled to Denmark to begin a new life. The Hungarian couple kept their own story under lock and key throughout their lives and focused on immersing themselves into Danish everyday life as quickly as possible. A picture book life, seen from the outside. To escape the memory of death, they smiled and remained silent. If no one sees the darkness, they hoped, normality becomes possible. However the unsaid did not fade but grew and finally began to darken the present. Now, Susanne wants to break the silence. But her probing questions bring back painful memories. Is she at all allowed to dig into a family history that holds so many ghosts from the past? And maybe there is more than one truth?

Markimdb: 8.3
CountryDenmark, Sweden

A teacher lives a lonely life, all the while struggling over his son’s custody. His life slowly gets better as he finds love and receives good news from his son, but his new luck is about to be brutally shattered by an innocent little lie.

Markimdb: 6.4
CountryDenmark, Sweden

Someone You Love is a story about world famous singer-songwriter Thomas Jacob who lives in Los Angeles. He is a successful man with a lot of burned bridges. After years abroad Thomas travels back to Denmark to record a new album. There his estranged daughter Julie suddenly turns up with his 11-year-old grandson, Noa. Soon, Thomas is forced to take care of the boy. Against all odds the two of them slowly begin to connect through music. But disaster strikes, forcing Thomas to realize he has to make a choice that will change his life forever.

Markimdb: 7.5
Genredocumentary, military
CountryDenmark, Sweden

Danish soldiers are sent to Afghanistan in 2009 for 6 months, to help stabilize the country against the Taliban. They're stationed on Armadillo military base in Helman province. Unlike other war movies, this is the real deal - no actors.

Markimdb: 5.6
Genrefantasy, adventure, family, cartoon

Jonathan, 11, usually spends his vacations alone with his grandfather who lives on the edge of a vast forest populated by mythical animals. This year his kid sister Sophie joins him. But it's not cool to be stuck with a little sister, so he does what he can to avoid her. He succeeds entirely too well: Sophie is kidnapped by a giant, 1000-year-old bear. Now, Jonathan has to venture into the heart of the forest to confront the strange beings that dwell there and rescue his sister.

Markimdb: 6.8
Genreaction, drama, crime

Nordvest is a gangsterfilm set in the suburbs of Copenhagen. Casper (18), the oldest of 3 siblings, survives life on the streets by committing burglaries for the neighbourhood boss, Jamal. When Casper gets an offer to work for Jamal’s rival Björn, he jumps at the chance for a better life, making his way into a world of drugs and prostitution. As things escalate between Björn and Jamal, Casper finds himself and his family dead center of a conflict, that threatens to destroy them.

Markimdb: 5.6
Genrecomedy, crime

Four rogues, who were best friends as kids, have one big problem: they're sitting on both sides of the law. Martin is a policeman, while Nikolai, Ralf, and Timo can't distinguish between personal possessions and the possessions of others! When all four find themselves in a fix, they're forced to return to their former tricks against a common foe, Mr Niemeyer. Martin is not as successful, however, either at his job or marriage, and thinks he deserves a better life. Now he sees an opportunity to save his career by "playing" with his old friends on a mission that is so crazy that even the two foolish brothers can do some good.

Markimdb: 7.1
Genremelodrama, drama, biography
CountryUnited Kingdom, USA, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Japan

    When Gerda Wegener asks her husband Einar to fill in as a portrait model, Einar discovers the person she's meant to be and begins living her life as Lili Elbe. Having realized her true self and with Gerda's love and support, Lili embarks on a groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer.

    Markimdb: 7.5
    CountryDenmark, Sweden

    As children, Nick and his little brother take care of their baby brother while their mother drinks herself senseless. But the baby dies, and both brothers blame themselves. Many years later, Nick is out of prison after serving time for an assault. He drinks, lives in a shelter and tries to help an old friend. When their mother dies, Nick meets his brother at the funeral. The brother, who remains nameless, is a single father to a young boy, but also supports a drug habit that is spiraling out of control. When an opportunity presents itself, he becomes a drug dealer to secure his son's future. Eventually, the two brothers meet again.

    Markimdb: 5
    Genrecomedy, family, cartoon

    Based on a classic Danish children's book by Ole Lund Kirkegaard. Being small doesn't make life easy for little ten-year-old Victor and his friends, who not only have to face a world full of stern grown-ups but also the town bully Freddy Frogface. When a circus comes to the sleepy little town, Victor is thrilled at having the chance to perform in a talent show with his dog Sausage. Yet Freddy soon comes up with a sinister plot of his own to spoil Victor's plans...

    Markimdb: 7.6
    Genremelodrama, drama
    CountryDenmark, Sweden

    The lives of two Danish families cross each other, and an extraordinary but risky friendship comes into bud. But loneliness, frailty and sorrow lie in wait.

    Markimdb: 6.7
    CountryIceland, Denmark, Sweden

    In a remote Icelandic town, an off duty police chief begins to suspect a local man to have had an affair with his wife, who has recently died in a car accident. Gradually his obsession for finding out the truth accumulates and inevitably begins to endanger himself and his loved ones. A story of grief, revenge and unconditional love.

    Markimdb: 6.4
    Genrefamily, cartoon
    CountryGermany, Belgium, United Kingdom, Denmark

    Princess Emmy has a secret gift – she is the only one in the kingdom of Kandis who can speak to horses. She has a wonderful time with her best friends, a stable full of amazing horses. When her scheming cousin, Gizana, appears, Emmy’s chance to become an officially inaugurated princess is threatened. She must undergo a test for the right to keep her special gift.

    Markimdb: 6.2

    Rie is a PR-coordinator visiting a tunnel boring machine to portray the well-oiled European cooperation in the Metro construction when an accident suddenly occurs. Unable to escape, she takes refuge in an airlock with Croatian miner Ivo and Bharan, a worker from Eritrea.

    Markimdb: 6.8
    Genrethriller, drama
    CountryDenmark, Sweden

    Detectives and best friends Andreas and Simon lead vastly different lives; Andreas has settled down with his beautiful wife and son; while Simon, recently divorced, spends most of his waking hours getting drunk at the local strip club. But all that changes when the two of them are called out to a domestic dispute between a junkie couple, caught in a vicious cycle of violence and drugs. It all looks very routine – until Andreas finds the couple's infant son, crying in a closet. The usually collected policeman finds himself confronted with his own powerlessness and is shaken to his core. As Andreas slowly loses his grip on justice, it suddenly becomes up to the unruly Simon to restore the balance between right and wrong.

    Markimdb: 6.5

    The film is a Kafkaesque tale of an insignificant Water Inspector who arrives at a giant remote building in order to register the residents’ water meters. Before he knows of it, he finds himself trapped inside the building facing an “Alice in NO-Wonderland”-like maze of obstacles. In his attempt to escape, perception of reality, the rational, and the remnants of his human existence is turned upside down.

    Markimdb: 5.5
    Genrehorror, thriller

    A family of four is quarantined in their home as a virulent strand of the flu spreads into town and they are forced to the extreme to escape alive.

    Markimdb: 5.4

    A custodian in a housing project discovers that a naked, mute woman he found in one of his apartments has miraculous healing powers.

    Markimdb: 4.9
    Genrethriller, drama
    CountryGermany, Denmark

    Successful businesswoman Maria has achieved everything except what she wants the most - a baby of her own. She decides to deal with the matter by herself and embarks on a desperate and dangerous journey in order to make her dream come true.

    Markimdb: 6.2
    CountrySweden, Norway, Denmark

    After a recent and difficult divorce, Alice hasn't seen her children in two months as she awaits a custody verdict. When her son calls her in the middle of the night, Alice takes action, abducting the children on an illicit charter trip to the Canary Islands.

    Markimdb: 6.5
    Genredrama, adventure, biography, history
    CountryIceland, Denmark

    In 1909, two explorers fight to survive after they're left behind while on a Denmark expedition in ice-covered Greenland.

    Markimdb: 6.4
    CountryFinland, Sweden, Denmark

    A 14-year-old boy in a stifling Helsinki slum takes some unwise life lessons from his soon-to-be-incarcerated older brother, in Finnish master Pirjo Honkasalo’s gorgeously stylized and emotionally devastating work about what we pass on to younger generations, and the ways we do it.

    Markimdb: 7.1
    Genremelodrama, drama, adventure
    CountryCanada, USA, Denmark

    After weeks of traveling through Europe, the immature William finds himself in Copenhagen, the place of his father’s birth. He befriends the youthful Effy, who works in William’s hotel as part of an internship program, and they set off to find William’s last living relative. Effy’s mix of youthful exuberance and wisdom challenges William unlike any woman ever has. As the attraction builds, he must come to grips with destabilizing elements of his family’s sordid past.

    Markimdb: 8.4
    Genrethriller, documentary
    CountryNorway, Denmark, United Kingdom, Sweden

    A real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-year mission to penetrate the world's most secretive and brutal dictatorship: North Korea.

    Markimdb: 5.4
    Genrethriller, drama, crime, detective
    CountryRepublic of Ireland, France, Denmark

    Mike Regan is a successful, self-made man who has it all: a gorgeous wife, a beautiful teenage daughter and a sleek, state-of-the-art “smart home”. But he soon finds himself in a deadly, high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse when his I.T. consultant, Ed, starts using his skills to stalk Mike’s daughter and endanger his family, his business, and his life. In a world where there is no privacy, and personal secrets can go viral by the click of a mouse, Mike needs to rely on his old connections to defeat a new kind of nemesis.

    Markimdb: 7.1
    Genredrama, biography
    CountrySweden, Denmark

    When Astrid Lindgren was very young something happened that affected her profoundly, and this combination of both miracle and calamity came to shape her entire life. It was an event that transformed her into one of the most inspiring women of our age and the storyteller a whole world would come to love. This is the story of when a young Astrid, despite the expectations of her time and religious upbringing, decided to break free from society's norms and follow her heart.

    Markimdb: 5.5
    Genrehorror, comedy, melodrama, drama
    CountryDenmark, Sweden

    A couple trying to save their marriage during a zombie apocalypse.

    Markimdb: 7.1
    CountryDenmark, China

    When Cole returns to Yang's haunted temple to seek revenge on a former Airjitzu Master, he accidentally uses a powerful Dark Magic blade that unleashes the spectral forms of Ninjago's greatest villains and traps himself in the temple. The Ninja must return the ghosts to the Departed Realm before it's too late.

    Markimdb: 7.3
    CountrySweden, Denmark

    Starting a new job as a political journalist at a leading newspaper, Ulrik Torp witnesses a brutal struggle for power in the Midparty's ranks -- a struggle that coincides with the charismatic party leader's involvement in a near fatal car accident. A flurry of lies and media speculation surrounds the incident. Gradually, Ulrik unearths a ruthless conspiracy involving the incumbent prime minister.

    Markimdb: 5.8
    Genrehorror, thriller, fantasy, drama, detective
    CountryDenmark, France

    The young woman, Marie, is an outsider in the small coastal community where she has grown up. The townspeople live in fear of her and not least her mother, who is wheelchair bound, suffering from a mysterious illness. When Marie discovers her body changing – long hair growing on her chest and back – she begins searching for answers concerning her family’s hidden past. Something that will have great consequences for herself and her family – and the choices she has to make.

    Markimdb: 6.4
    CountryNorway, Sweden, Denmark, France

    It’s not easy to rebel when your dad wants to join the party... One day (in 1979), Magnus and his son Nikolaj hit the wall in their new terrace house in Rykkinn. Magnus is an architect, hippie and free spirit, a glaring exception in a community where equality and conformity is the norm. He always stands up for his son, supporting him unconditionally, even when Nikolaj decides to stop giving a damn. Sons of Norway is a film about rebellion, punk rock, suburban hell and the struggle between freaks and punks. But most of all, it’s the story of an unusual father-son relationship, and about the strength of the bonds we sometimes do our best to rip apart.

    Markimdb: 7.1
    Genredrama, military, biography, history
    CountryNorway, Sweden, Denmark, Republic of Ireland

    On 9 April 1940, German soldiers arrive in the city of Oslo. The King of Norway faces a choice that will change his country forever. The King's Choice is a story about the three most dramatic days in Norway's history, the royal family's escape and King Haakon's difficult choice after Nazi Germany's invasion of Norway.

    Markimdb: 6.6
    Genredrama, military, history

    In the early morning of April 9th 1940 the Danish army is alerted. The Germans have crossed the border; Denmark is at war against Europe's strongest army. In Southern Jutland Danish bicycle- and motorcycle companies are ordered out, to against all odds, hold back the forces until the Danish reinforcements can be mobilized. In the fatal hours, we follow second lieutenant Sand and his bicycle company - they will as the first Danish soldiers meet the enemy in combat on April 9th 1940.

    Markimdb: 6

    It’s summer in Copenhagen, it’s a time of endless days and careless nights. Simon is a 23-year-old medical student. He and his friends party and drink and chase girls and wake up the next day to do the whole thing all over again. But it’s also a time of unrest and change among the boys. Dreams shatter, love hurts, and friendships dissolve.

    Markimdb: 6
    Genrecomedy, history

    A small group of eccentric pioneers join forces, in order to do the impossible and create world history in the early 1980s of Denmark

    Markimdb: 5.7
    Genrecomedy, adventure, family, cartoon
    CountryFinland, Denmark, Germany, Republic of Ireland

    Set right before Christmas, Niko the reindeer must deal with his mom getting re-married and his being tasked with looking after his little stepbrother.
