Yutaka Sada — Filmography

Yutaka Sada
Actor. Popular movies: Yojimbo (1961), Throne of Blood (1957), High and Low (1963)


Actor (74)
By years
Yearning (movie 1964)
imdb: 8
Mr. Murata, kimono store owner
High and Low (movie 1963)
imdb: 8.4
Aoki - the Chauffeur
The Hidden Fortress (movie 1958)
imdb: 8.1
Guard at bridge barrier
The Mysterians (movie 1957)
imdb: 6
Police Capt. Miyamoto
Sudden Rain (movie 1956)
imdb: 7.2
Radio Shop Owner
drama: 51 (29%)
action: 18 (10%)
comedy: 15 (8%)
thriller: 14 (8%)
fantastic: 12 (7%)
crime: 11 (6%)
adventure: 11 (6%)
military: 11 (6%)
history: 8 (5%)
horror: 7 (4%)
Popular films and TV series
