Yoshio Tsuchiya — Filmography

Yoshio Tsuchiya
Actor. Popular movies: Double Suicide at Nishijin (1977)


Actor (68)
By years
Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (movie 1991)
imdb: 6.4
Businessman Yasuaki Shindo
Kill! (movie 1968)
imdb: 7.4
Shinroku Matsuo
Admiral Yamamoto (movie 1968)
imdb: 6.7
Staff Officer Kuroshima
Japan's Longest Day (movie 1967)
imdb: 7.7
Lt. Colonel Hiroshi Fuha - Eastern District Army Staff Officer
Varan (movie 1958)
imdb: 5.4
Military Officer Katsumoto
The Mysterians (movie 1957)
imdb: 6
Leader of the Mysterians
I Live in Fear (movie 1955)
imdb: 7.3
Factory Worker After Fire
drama: 44 (25%)
action: 24 (14%)
thriller: 19 (11%)
fantastic: 19 (11%)
horror: 14 (8%)
crime: 12 (7%)
adventure: 11 (6%)
military: 9 (5%)
history: 8 (5%)
comedy: 5 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
