Tony Cox — Filmography

Tony Cox
Actor, Producer. Popular movies: Bad Santa (2003), Bad Santa 2 (2016), The Hollywood Shorties (2016)


Actor (75)
By years
Bad Santa 2 (movie 2016)
imdb: 5.6
lead role Marcus Skidmore
Meet Monica Velour (movie 2010)
imdb: 5.8
Petting Zoo Club Owner
Bad Santa (movie 2003)
imdb: 7.1
lead role Marcus
Leprechaun 2 (movie 1994)
imdb: 4.6
African-American Leprechaun
Willow (movie 1988)
imdb: 7.2
Vohnkar Warrior
Bird (movie 1988)
imdb: 7.1
Pee Wee Marquette
comedy: 57 (30%)
adventure: 16 (8%)
drama: 15 (8%)
fantasy: 14 (7%)
fantastic: 14 (7%)
crime: 10 (5%)
family: 9 (5%)
melodrama: 9 (5%)
action: 8 (4%)
horror: 7 (4%)
Popular films and TV series
