Tom Quinn — Filmography

Actor. Popular movies: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939), King Kong (1933), Adam's Rib (1949)


Actor (149)
By years
Daughter of Don Q (movie 1946)
imdb: 6.6
R. J. Riggs (Bomb Maker), [Ch. 10]
Ghost Guns (movie 1944)
imdb: 5
Stringer - Henchman
comedy: 69 (17%)
melodrama: 63 (16%)
drama: 60 (15%)
crime: 30 (8%)
musical: 23 (6%)
music: 21 (5%)
western: 21 (5%)
detective: 19 (5%)
action: 18 (5%)
adventure: 15 (4%)
Popular films and TV series
