Takayo Fischer — Filmography

Takayo Fischer
Actor. Popular movies: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007), The Pursuit of Happyness (2006), War of the Worlds (2005)


Actor (59)
By years
Cavemen (movie 2013)
imdb: 5.2
Elderly Japanese Woman
Model Minority (movie 2012)
imdb: 7.9
Grandma Reiko Tanaka
Moneyball (movie 2011)
imdb: 7.6
Suzanne - Billy's Secretary
Memoirs of a Geisha (movie 2005)
imdb: 7.3
Tanizato Teahouse Owner
Dad (movie 1989)
imdb: 6.3
Jake's Nurse
comedy: 30 (17%)
drama: 24 (13%)
action: 19 (10%)
adventure: 17 (9%)
cartoon: 16 (9%)
family: 14 (8%)
thriller: 12 (7%)
melodrama: 10 (6%)
crime: 10 (6%)
fantastic: 7 (4%)
Popular films and TV series
