Salvatore Billa — Filmography

Salvatore Billa
Actor. Popular movies: Gangs of New York (2002), The Godfather: Part III (1990), Once Upon a Time in America (1983)


Actor (100)
By years
Contraband (movie 1980)
imdb: 6.5
Marsigliese Thug
Loaded Guns (movie 1975)
imdb: 4.8
Silvera Henchman
Blood Brothers (movie 1974)
imdb: 6.7
Don Carluccio Tre Palle
Blindman (movie 1971)
imdb: 6.2
Domingo Henchman
Adios Sabata (movie 1970)
imdb: 5.9
Manuel Garcia Otello
Beyond the Law (movie 1968)
imdb: 6.1
Diego - Burton Henchman
drama: 45 (23%)
crime: 41 (21%)
thriller: 24 (12%)
comedy: 24 (12%)
action: 20 (10%)
western: 11 (6%)
melodrama: 9 (5%)
history: 6 (3%)
adventure: 4 (2%)
detective: 2 (1%)
Popular films and TV series
