Robert Sheehan — Filmography

Robert Sheehan
Actor, Producer. Popular movies: The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013), Mortal Engines (2018), Bad Samaritan (2018)


Actor (46)
By years
Bad Samaritan (movie 2018)
imdb: 6.4
lead role Sean Falco
Mortal Engines (movie 2018)
imdb: 6.1
lead role Tom Natsworthy
Genius (tv-series 2017)
imdb: 8.3
Carles Casagemas
Killing Bono (movie 2011)
imdb: 6.3
lead role Ivan McCormick
Accused (movie 2010)
imdb: 8
Stephen Cartwright
drama: 26 (22%)
comedy: 14 (12%)
thriller: 12 (10%)
adventure: 9 (8%)
detective: 8 (7%)
melodrama: 7 (6%)
action: 7 (6%)
fantasy: 6 (5%)
crime: 6 (5%)
fantastic: 5 (4%)
Popular films and TV series
