Robert Hooks — Filmography

Robert Hooks
Actor. Popular movies: Crosscurrent (1971)


Actor (64)
By years
The Flash (tv-series 1990)
imdb: 7.1
Chief Arthur Cooper
227 (tv-series 1985)
imdb: 6.6
Congressman Rivers
V (tv-series 1984)
imdb: 7.3
George Caniff
Crosscurrent (movie 1971)
imdb: 6
lead role Inspector Lou Van Alsdale
drama: 47 (39%)
crime: 16 (13%)
action: 10 (8%)
comedy: 10 (8%)
fantastic: 5 (4%)
thriller: 5 (4%)
adventure: 4 (3%)
detective: 3 (3%)
documentary: 3 (3%)
biography: 3 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
