Robert Dudley — Filmography

Robert Dudley
Actor. Popular movies: Citizen Kane (1941), Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939), Sullivan's Travels (1941)


Actor (118)
By years
Good Sam (movie 1948)
imdb: 6.4
Clerk in Probation Office (scenes deleted)
Strike It Rich (movie 1948)
imdb: 6.7
Pop - the Postmaster
Big News (movie 1929)
imdb: 5.4
Telegraph Editor
drama: 58 (22%)
comedy: 58 (22%)
melodrama: 39 (15%)
crime: 18 (7%)
detective: 10 (4%)
action: 9 (3%)
thriller: 8 (3%)
western: 7 (3%)
film noir: 7 (3%)
adventure: 7 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
