Peter Whitney — Filmography

Peter Whitney
Actor. Popular movies: In the Heat of the Night (1967), The Big Heat (1953), The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970)


Actor (92)
By years
The Great Bank Robbery (movie 1969)
imdb: 5.6
Brother Jordan Cass - Tunneling
Violence (movie 1947)
imdb: 5.5
Joker Robinson
Blonde Alibi (movie 1946)
imdb: 6.4
Police Lt. Melody Haynes
The Brute Man (movie 1946)
imdb: 4.4
Police Lieutenant Gates
drama: 36 (18%)
western: 33 (16%)
comedy: 21 (10%)
melodrama: 19 (9%)
adventure: 15 (7%)
crime: 13 (6%)
action: 9 (4%)
military: 9 (4%)
family: 7 (3%)
thriller: 6 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
