Pat Fraley — Filmography

Pat Fraley
Actor. Popular movies: BraveStarr (1987), The Centurions (1986), BraveStarr: The Legend (1988)


Actor (132)
By years
DuckTales (tv-series 1987)
imdb: 8.1
Sir Guy Standforth
BraveStarr (tv-series 1987)
imdb: 7.1
lead role Marshal BraveStarr
Saturday Supercade (tv-series 1983)
imdb: 6.8
Monkey Biz Gang (segment 'Kangaroo': 1984-1985)
cartoon: 130 (20%)
family: 98 (15%)
comedy: 86 (13%)
adventure: 82 (12%)
fantasy: 58 (9%)
fantastic: 48 (7%)
action: 44 (7%)
short: 17 (3%)
crime: 15 (2%)
musical: 15 (2%)
Popular films and TV series
