Milton Parsons — Filmography

Milton Parsons
Actor. Popular movies: The Twilight Zone (1959), Marnie (1964), White Heat (1949)


Actor (132)
By years
National Velvet (tv-series 1960)
imdb: 8.4
Billington J.T. Whiting
Bowery Bombshell (movie 1946)
imdb: 6.4
Professor Schnackenberger
Dick Tracy (movie 1945)
imdb: 5.9
Deathridge - the Undertaker
drama: 55 (16%)
comedy: 52 (15%)
crime: 36 (10%)
detective: 34 (10%)
melodrama: 30 (9%)
thriller: 24 (7%)
adventure: 15 (4%)
film noir: 14 (4%)
action: 13 (4%)
horror: 10 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
