Miguel Ferrer — Filmography

Miguel Ferrer
Actor. Popular movies: Mulan (1998), The Man (2005), Justice League: The New Frontier (2008)


Actor (110)
By years
Twin Peaks (tv-series 2017)
imdb: 8.5
FBI Agent Albert Rosenfield
Iron Man 3 (movie 2013)
imdb: 7.1
Vice President Rodriguez
The Protector (tv-series 2011)
imdb: 6.8
lead role Lieutenant Felix Valdez
Lie to Me (tv-series 2009)
imdb: 8
FBI ASAC Bill Steele
Kings (tv-series 2009)
imdb: 8.1
General Mallick
Bionic Woman (tv-series 2007)
imdb: 5.7
lead role Jonas Bledsoe
The Man (movie 2005)
imdb: 5.5
lead role Agent Peters
Crossing Jordan (tv-series 2001)
imdb: 7
lead role Dr. Garret Macy
Night Visions (tv-series 2001)
imdb: 7.5
Dr. Dan Critchley (segment "Patterns")
Brave New World (movie 1998)
imdb: 5.2
Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning
The Night Flier (movie 1997)
imdb: 6
lead role Richard Dees
Royce (movie 1993)
imdb: 5
lead role Gribbon
Twin Peaks (tv-series 1990)
imdb: 8.8
FBI Agent Albert Rosenfield
drama: 58 (16%)
action: 37 (10%)
thriller: 35 (10%)
crime: 35 (10%)
fantastic: 29 (8%)
comedy: 27 (7%)
detective: 23 (6%)
adventure: 21 (6%)
family: 17 (5%)
cartoon: 17 (5%)
Popular films and TV series
