Martin McDougall — Filmography

Martin McDougall
Actor. Popular movies: Batman Begins (2005), Saving Private Ryan (1998), Edge of Tomorrow (2014)


Actor (63)
By years
SuperBob (movie 2015)
imdb: 5.7
Senator Jackson
Edge of Tomorrow (movie 2014)
imdb: 7.9
Military Spokesperson2
The Honourable Woman (tv-series 2014)
imdb: 8
Brigadier General Harlan Berkoff
Utopia (tv-series 2013)
imdb: 8.4
American Husband
360 (movie 2012)
imdb: 6.1
Policeman (Airport)
Episodes (tv-series 2011)
imdb: 7.8
Assistant Director
Twenty Twelve (tv-series 2011)
imdb: 7.7
Senior Operations Analyst Scott Coldwell
Kingdom (tv-series 2007)
imdb: 7.9
Lieutenant Colonel Connors
Alien Autopsy (movie 2006)
imdb: 5.9
Middle Ranking TV Exec
Batman Begins (movie 2005)
imdb: 8.3
Gotham Dock Employee
Hiroshima (movie 2005)
imdb: 7.8
General Curtis LeMay
The Girl in the Café (movie 2005)
imdb: 7.4
American Senior Advisor
Octane (movie 2003)
imdb: 4.3
Motivational Speaker
Down (movie 2002)
imdb: 4.6
Security Guard Andy
drama: 32 (17%)
action: 25 (14%)
thriller: 19 (10%)
fantastic: 19 (10%)
comedy: 16 (9%)
melodrama: 9 (5%)
crime: 8 (4%)
adventure: 8 (4%)
horror: 7 (4%)
documentary: 7 (4%)
Popular films and TV series
