Manoj Sood — Filmography

Manoj Sood
Actor. Popular movies: Watchmen (2009), Tomorrowland (2015), Rat Race (2001)


Actor (52)
By years
Violentia (movie 2018)
imdb: 5.3
Walter Mansingh
Watchmen (movie 2009)
imdb: 7.6
Karnak Scientist
Partition (movie 2007)
imdb: 6.9
The Wood Gatherer
Jake 2.0 (tv-series 2003)
imdb: 6.8
Dr. Vikram Taleek
The Dead Zone (tv-series 2002)
imdb: 7.4
Apu, Convenice Store Clerk
drama: 33 (25%)
comedy: 18 (14%)
thriller: 14 (11%)
fantastic: 14 (11%)
action: 11 (8%)
detective: 8 (6%)
melodrama: 8 (6%)
adventure: 6 (5%)
crime: 6 (5%)
fantasy: 6 (5%)
Popular films and TV series
