Jonathan Higgins — Filmography

Jonathan Higgins
Actor. Popular movies: The Boondock Saints (1999), The Strain (2014), House at the End of the Street (2012)


Actor (62)
By years
Race (movie 2016)
imdb: 7.1
Dean Cromwell
Foxfire (movie 2012)
imdb: 6.1
Violet's Victim
Saint Ralph (movie 2005)
imdb: 7.4
Boston Announcer
Bruiser (movie 2000)
imdb: 5.2
Detective Rakowski
drama: 51 (29%)
detective: 17 (10%)
action: 17 (10%)
crime: 17 (10%)
thriller: 17 (10%)
comedy: 9 (5%)
biography: 7 (4%)
family: 5 (3%)
horror: 5 (3%)
melodrama: 4 (2%)
Popular films and TV series
