Jennifer Ehle — Filmography

Jennifer Ehle
Actor. Popular movies: Pride and Prejudice (1995), The Fundamentals of Caring (2016), Saint Maud (2019)


Actor (64)
By years
The Looming Tower (tv-series 2018)
imdb: 8
Ambassador Barbara Bodine
Vox Lux (movie 2018)
imdb: 5.9
Josie the Publicist
Monster (movie 2018)
imdb: 6.6
Maureen O'Brien
A Quiet Passion (movie 2016)
imdb: 6.5
lead role Vinnie Dickinson
A Little Chaos (movie 2014)
imdb: 6.4
Madame De Montespan
The Adjustment Bureau (movie 2011)
imdb: 7
Brooklyn Ice House Bartender
Contagion (movie 2011)
imdb: 6.8
Dr. Ally Hextall
The Russell Girl (movie 2008)
imdb: 6.6
lead role Lorainne Morrissey
The River King (movie 2005)
imdb: 5.7
lead role Betsy Chase
Possession (movie 2002)
imdb: 6.3
Christabel LaMotte
Sunshine (movie 1999)
imdb: 7.5
lead role Valerie Sonnenschein
Wilde (movie 1997)
imdb: 6.9
Constance Wilde
Paradise Road (movie 1997)
imdb: 6.8
Rosemary Leighton-Jones
Pride and Prejudice (tv-series 1995)
imdb: 8.9
lead role Elizabeth Bennet
Backbeat (movie 1994)
imdb: 6.6
Cynthia Powell
drama: 50 (36%)
thriller: 19 (14%)
melodrama: 15 (11%)
crime: 9 (6%)
history: 7 (5%)
documentary: 6 (4%)
biography: 6 (4%)
comedy: 5 (4%)
action: 4 (3%)
military: 4 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
