Claire McDowell — Filmography

Claire McDowell
Actor. Popular movies: The Right to Be Happy (1916), Waking Up the Town (1925), The Planter's Wife (1908)


Actor (241)
By years
Two-Fisted Sheriff (movie 1937)
imdb: 4.7
Miss Herrick - Molly's Aunt
The Working Man (movie 1933)
imdb: 7.5
Benjamin's Secretary
drama: 176 (35%)
short: 105 (21%)
melodrama: 64 (13%)
comedy: 49 (10%)
crime: 19 (4%)
western: 17 (3%)
action: 13 (3%)
adventure: 10 (2%)
military: 10 (2%)
detective: 9 (2%)
Popular films and TV series
