Arthur Burghardt — Filmography

Arthur Burghardt
Actor. Popular movies: The Prince and the Pauper (1990)


Actor (56)
By years
Saturday Supercade (tv-series 1983)
imdb: 6.8
Commander Borf (segment 'Space Ace': 1984-1985), ; Mr. Friendly (segment 'Kangaroo': 1984-1985)
Network (movie 1976)
imdb: 8.1
Great Ahmed Kahn
cartoon: 36 (17%)
family: 28 (13%)
adventure: 28 (13%)
comedy: 24 (11%)
action: 23 (11%)
fantastic: 18 (8%)
drama: 12 (6%)
fantasy: 11 (5%)
crime: 9 (4%)
detective: 6 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
