Ann Dowd — Filmography

Ann Dowd
Actor. Popular movies: Compliance (2012), Mass (2021), Nancy (2018)


Actor (85)
By years
Mass (movie 2021)
imdb: 7.6
lead role Linda
Lambs of God (tv-series 2019)
imdb: 7.3
lead role Sister Margarita
Nancy (movie 2018)
imdb: 6.2
lead role Betty
Good Behavior (movie 2016)
imdb: 8
FBI Agent Rhonda Lashever
St. Vincent (movie 2014)
imdb: 7.3
Shirley, Sunnyside Administrator
The Informant! (movie 2009)
imdb: 6.5
FBI Special Agent Kate Medford
The Forgotten (movie 2004)
imdb: 5.8
Eileen the Accountant
Shiloh (movie 1996)
imdb: 6.3
Louise Preston
The Baby-Sitters Club (tv-series 1990)
imdb: 7.5
Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas-Brewer
drama: 75 (37%)
comedy: 24 (12%)
thriller: 20 (10%)
crime: 18 (9%)
detective: 15 (7%)
melodrama: 13 (6%)
family: 8 (4%)
biography: 7 (3%)
fantastic: 5 (2%)
adventure: 5 (2%)
Popular films and TV series
