Allan Arbus — Filmography

Allan Arbus
Actor. Popular movies: Judgment: The Trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (1974)


Actor (54)
By years
Volunteers (movie 1985)
imdb: 5.4
Albert Bardenaro
Coffy (movie 1973)
imdb: 6.8
Arturo Vitroni
M*A*S*H (tv-series 1972)
imdb: 8.4
Maj. Sidney Freedman
drama: 34 (30%)
comedy: 22 (19%)
crime: 11 (10%)
adventure: 6 (5%)
melodrama: 6 (5%)
action: 5 (4%)
western: 4 (4%)
thriller: 4 (4%)
family: 3 (3%)
detective: 3 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
