Alex Carter — Filmography

Alex Carter
Actor. Popular movies: 40 Days and Nights (2012), Betrayal of Silence (1988)


Actor (76)
By years
Recovery Road (movie 2016)
imdb: 7.3
Dr. Marcus Granger
Leverage (tv-series 2008)
imdb: 8
Sterling's Henchman
Point Pleasant (movie 2005)
imdb: 7
Sheriff Logan Parker
Dark Angel (tv-series 2000)
imdb: 7.4
Sidney Croal - Synthedyne CEO
drama: 66 (28%)
thriller: 34 (14%)
crime: 30 (13%)
detective: 25 (11%)
action: 22 (9%)
fantastic: 11 (5%)
melodrama: 9 (4%)
comedy: 9 (4%)
adventure: 8 (3%)
fantasy: 6 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
