Al Bridge — Filmography

Al Bridge
Actor, Writer. Popular movies: God's Country and the Man (1931)


Actor (273)
By years
The Falcon's Alibi (movie 1946)
imdb: 6.4
Police Inspector Blake
Transient Lady (movie 1935)
imdb: 5.8
Sheriff Angel Verner
Valley of Wanted Men (movie 1935)
imdb: 5.4
Ranger Sergeant Parsons
Confidential (movie 1935)
imdb: 5.3
Hanover - Walsh's Henchman
The Adventures of Rex and Rinty (movie 1935)
imdb: 6.3
Henchman Mitchell [Chs. 1-6, 10]
The Devil Horse (movie 1932)
imdb: 6.6
Henchman Curley Bates
western: 112 (17%)
drama: 99 (15%)
melodrama: 86 (13%)
comedy: 70 (11%)
action: 52 (8%)
adventure: 47 (7%)
crime: 46 (7%)
music: 33 (5%)
thriller: 21 (3%)
detective: 18 (3%)
Popular films and TV series
