The Ornament of the World 2019
The Ornament of the World (movie, 2019)

Filmed in Cordoba, Granada, Seville, and Toledo, this documentary retraces the 800-year period in medieval Spain when Muslims, Christians, and Jews forged a common cultural identity that frequently transcended their religious differences, revealing what made this rare and fruitful collaboration possible, and what ultimately tore it apart.

The Ornament of the World (2019) - Full Cast & Crew

Actors and roles, crew of The Ornament of the World (2019). Who was filming and what role he played.


Director, Producer, Writer. Popular movies: The Ornament of the World (2019)


Producer. Popular movies: The Ornament of the World (2019)


Vicente Franco
Operator, Director. Popular movies: The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers (2009), The Ornament of the World (2019)


Composer. Popular movies: The Ornament of the World (2019)
