Argentine films about lost memory

List of the best Argentine films about lost memory, selected by visitors to our site: Another Silence, The Headless Woman, Zama, The Day I Was Not Born, Bachelor Games, The Mystery of Happiness, Death in Buenos Aires, Sexual Tension: Volatile, Easy Sex, Sad Movies, The Clan.

In the top there are new films of 2022, a plot description and trailers for films that have already been released.

Markimdb: 5.3
CountryFrance, Argentina, Canada, Brazil

Marie is a Toronto police officer. One evening, her husband Joshua and their son Nicky are brutally murdered in their car. Marie quickly links Pablo Molina, an Argentinian drug trafficker who she'd arrested a few months earlier, with the crime. In despair, Marie heads to Argentina on the tracks of the killer. A journey of revenge and a journey to come to terms with her loss.

Markimdb: 6.5
Genrethriller, drama, detective
CountryArgentina, France, Italy, Spain

After running into something with her car, Vero experiences a particular psychological state. She realizes she might have killed someone.

Markimdb: 6.7
Genredrama, history
CountryArgentina, Portugal, USA, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, France, Dominican Republic, Spain, Brazil, Lebanon

In a remote South American colony in the late 18th century, officer Zama of the Spanish crown waits in vain for a transfer to a more prestigious location. He suffers small humiliations and petty politicking as he increasingly succumbs to lust and paranoia.

Markimdb: 6.8
CountryGermany, Argentina

During a stopover in Buenos Aires on her way to Chile, 31-year-old Maria recognizes a nursery rhyme. Maria doesn't speak a work of Spanish, but without understanding what she is singing, she remembers the Spanish lyrics. Disturbed and thrown off course, she decides to interrupt her journey and wander through the unfamiliar city.

Markimdb: 4.3
Genrehorror, action, thriller, comedy, adventure
CountryUnited Kingdom, Argentina

Five British friends head to the Andes for a stag weekend. Of course, they’re unprepared, get lost – and inevitably ignore all warnings about the sinister local legend of the ‘The Hunter’.

Markimdb: 6.1
Genrecomedy, melodrama, drama
CountryArgentina, Brazil

Life-long business partners Santiago and Eugenio care for each other, and need each other. When Eugenio suddenly vanishes, Santiago and Eugenio’s wife, join forces to look for him. What they discover is not what they set out to find, and their shared journey becomes a surprising and lighthearted meditation on friendship, love, and loyalty.

Markimdb: 5.7
Genrethriller, melodrama, drama, crime, detective

Buenos Aires in the 1980s. Detective Chavez, a family man and a tough cop, once again must solve a mysterious crime. To reveal the identity of the murderer, Chavez must clarify the enigma waiting in ambush to capture his own heart. Passion surprises even the most astute detective. What will triumph: law or desire?

Markimdb: 6.2
Genrecomedy, melodrama, drama
CountryArgentina, USA, France

Have you ever met someone who made your body heat up, get a little nervous and sweaty, and made your crotch stir a bit? Sexual Tension: Volatile will reignite those lustful feelings as it weaves six scintillating experiences of men in various stages of nudity and many forms of erotic male bonding. A pulsating, sexually-charged thrill ride.

Markimdb: 5.6
Genrecomedy, melodrama
CountrySpain, Argentina

Buenos Aires screenwriter Pablo is hired to write a new romantic comedy. As he begins his story, he visualizes his characters living in Madrid. Pablo creates a meet-cute between Marina and Víctor, a cute couple in Madrid who are soon totally in love. Yet as Pablo gets more and more into the script, he finds it difficult to separate his movie characters from what is happening in his own real life – specifically, his own love life.

Markimdb: 6.9
Genrethriller, drama, crime, biography
CountryArgentina, Spain

In Argentina, between 1982 and 1985, the Puccios, a well-established family of San Isidro, an upper-class suburb of Buenos Aires, kidnap several people and hold them as hostages for a ransom.

Markimdb: 6.9
CountryArgentina, Spain

Rubén is a middle-aged Argentinian truck driver transporting timber between Paraguay and Buenos Aires. One day, at a truck stop, he picks up a young Paraguayan woman, Jacinta, whom his employer had told to take to Buenos Aires. To Rubén's surprise, Jacinta brings along her five-month-old daughter, Anahí.

Markimdb: 6.9
Genrethriller, melodrama, drama, crime
CountryArgentina, Chile, France, South Korea

In Argentina over 8,000 people die in traffic accidents every year. Behind each of these tragedies is a flourishing industry founded on insurance payouts and legal loopholes. Sosa is a lawyer who tours the A&E Departments of the public hospitals and the police stations in search of potential clients. Luján is a young doctor recently arrived from the provinces. Their love story kicks off one night when Luján and Sosa meet in the street. She's trying to save a man's life; he wants him on his client portfolio

Markimdb: 7.2
Genremelodrama, drama

Eugenio offers his childhood friend Martin a work for the summer. With a game of power and desire a relationship starts to grow that goes beyond their friendship.

Markimdb: 5.1

Although she fulfills the role of perfect wife and mother, Lola is not satisfied with the fantasy of happiness during a family vacation in Mar del Plata.

Markimdb: 5.9
Genrefantastic, thriller

Inside a quarantined apartment building a man must protect his pregnant wife from his new neighbors.

Markimdb: 6.5
CountryArgentina, Spain, France

The "Villa Virgin", a shantytown in the slums of Buenos Aires. Julian and Nicolas, two priests and long-standing friends, work tirelessly to help the local people. Julian uses his political connections to oversee the construction of a hospital. Nicolas joins him following the failure of a project he was leading in the jungle, after paramilitary forces assassinated members of the community. Deeply troubled, he finds a little comfort in Luciana, a young, attractive, atheist social worker. As Nicolas' faith weakens, tension and violence between the slum drug dealing cartels grow. And when work on the hospital is halted by ministerial decree, the fuse is lit...

Markimdb: 7.1
CountryArgentina, Spain, France

Young Jorgelina feels estranged from her boy-crazy older sister, who has entered adolescence and doesn't want to hang around with little kids anymore. Finding refuge in their Boyita camper-van, Jorgelina travels with her father to the countryside, where her lifelong playmate Mario is undergoing some unexpected changes.

Markimdb: 5.8
Genrefantastic, action, thriller, crime
CountryArgentina, Spain

Buenos Aires, Argentina. A luxurious van is parked on the sidewalk. A man enters with the purpose of stealing whatever he can find, but when he wants to leave, he cannot. The doors do not open, the control panel does not respond: the van has become an armored box and he is trapped like a mouse.

Markimdb: 6.8
Genredrama, crime

A depressed former champion awakes. He´s tired, a bit out of shape, and his conscience is drilling him. His career as a boxer ended abruptly when he killed his rival with one single punch. That´s why Marcos Wainsberg, the Inca of the Sinai, wants to quit fighting. But today is not the day to be thinking about that. Today his ex girlfriend will come, in peace. Today is a good day. But the doorbell rings and the person at the other side is his cousin, Huguito, the black sheep of the family. And Huguito always brings trouble. Family-sized trouble, of course. Today can be one of those days when everything changes. The only thing that is left to know is whether it will be for good or not… Diablo is an atypical film, to say the least. Regurgitated from the very insides of genre cinema, its furious and corrosive progression leaves you breathless, but also provokes a remarkable morbid pleasure with its accumulation of scenes featuring violence, black humor, and a pure, hardcore swagger.

Markimdb: 3.4
Genrecomedy, musical, adventure, family, cartoon
CountryArgentina, USA

"It's an everyday universe that exists 7 feet over our heads. They are city birds that you can find in every tree or every corner." Juan: a sparrow that feels ordinary and underestimates his own race. Accidentally, he changes the way he looks, and the same reason that will make him feel unique is what is going to put his life in danger. Feifi: a beautiful canary that manages to escape from the cage of a network tycoon (Mr. Puertas), and starts trying a new life in freedom, as a common bird. Both of them will need to be something that they aren't and will face danger and adventures with their friends (Libia, the Pidgeon; Pipo, the Humming Bird; Clarita, the Bat; and some more). A clumsy cat, some psyco Southern Lapwings and Mr. Puertas will make everything even harder for them. Juan and Feifi will try to shape their destiny to feel truly free. Written by Anonymous

Markimdb: 6.3
Genrethriller, drama, crime
CountryChile, Argentina, Brazil

Three friends are part of a fascist opposition group in the chaotic Chile of the early 70's and together commit a political crime that changes the history of the country and incidentally involves them in a betrayal that separates them forever.

Markimdb: 6.9
Genrethriller, drama
CountrySpain, Argentina

A thriller centered on a man who is accused of a crime he didn't commit.

Markimdb: 6.8
Genrethriller, drama, crime, biography, history
CountryChile, Argentina, France, Spain, USA

It’s 1948 and the Cold War has arrived in Chile. In the Congress, prominent Communist Senator and popular poet Pablo Neruda accuses the government of betraying the Party and is stripped of his parliamentary immunity by President González Videla. The Chief of Investigative Police instructs inspector Óscar Peluchonneau to arrest the poet. Neruda tries to escape from the country with his wife, the painter Delia del Carril, but they are forced to go underground.

Markimdb: 5.5
Genrethriller, crime

Police officer Pipa works on her first big case while simultaneously investigating her boss, who is suspected of murder. The prequel to "Perdida".

Markimdb: 5.9
Genrethriller, drama, crime

Rico illegally emigrated with his mother to escape the dangerous drug world, but when his mother contracts cancer, he must dive back into that world to pay for her treatment.

Markimdb: 4.9
Genrefantasy, comedy, adventure, family, cartoon
CountrySpain, Argentina

Lucía, an active little girl, looses a tooth. Santiago, her father, is an out-of-work boss, and her mother, Pilar, is a successful but overworked architect, reassure Lucía, by telling her that the Hairy Tooth Fairy (a mouse named Pérez) will come to her bedroom to collect her tooth, leaving some money in its place. A mouse who had been monitoring the situation tells another mouse, who in turn tells another mouse until finally the news reaches Pérez, The Hairy Tooth Fairy, who lives in a boat in the port along with hundreds of other mice. They receive the teeth that he collects, and then clean, shape and polish them so that they can be transformed into shiny round pearls. These pearls are then carried through the citys sewers until finally they reach the jewellers owned by Morientes, where an old friend exchanges them for their weight in gold.

Markimdb: 6.1
Genremelodrama, drama, adventure
CountryFrance, USA, United Kingdom, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, Argentina

Dean and Sal are the portrait of the Beat Generation. Their search for "It" results in a fast paced, energetic roller coaster ride with highs and lows throughout the U.S.

Markimdb: 5.4
Genrehorror, drama, detective
CountryArgentina, France, Chile

A rural police officer investigates the bizarre case of a headless woman's body. The prime suspect blames the crime on the appearance of a legendary monster.

Markimdb: 6.3
Genrethriller, comedy
CountrySpain, Argentina

In downtown Madrid, a series of mysterious gunshots trap a motley assortment of people in a decrepit bar.

Markimdb: 6.4
Genrethriller, drama

Luis has just returned home after spending time in a neuropsychiatric, and Beatrice, his wife, he fears a relapse. The disappearance of the house cat and certain behaviors Beatriz Luis begins to grow increasingly suspicious of his behavior.

Markimdb: 7.1

When two neighbours clash, their argument becomes less about proposed building alterations and more about the wider battle between class and social status. The hugely impressive building in question is the only example of a Le Corbusier residential home in all of Latin America, adding to the poignancy of their argument. Winner of six Argentinean Academy Awards in 2010, including Best Film.

Markimdb: 7
Genrethriller, melodrama, drama, crime
CountryArgentina, Spain, Uruguay

Set in Argentina in 1965, the story follows the tumultuous relationship between two men who became lovers and ultimately ruthless bank robbers in a notoriously famous footnote in the annals of crime history. After a large-scale hold-up that turns bloody, the two men must flee. It is not long before the police are surrounding the building they are in and they must confront their demons to survive.

Markimdb: 7.8
CountryPanama, USA, Argentina

Two young siblings ended up living on the streets, having nothing left but their love. It's a story about survival, second chances and second falls, with an unexpected turn at the end.

Markimdb: 6.8
Genredocumentary, biography, sport

Juan Manuel Fangio was the Formula One king, winning five world championships in the early 1950s — before protective gear or safety features were used.

Markimdb: 6
Genrethriller, drama, crime
CountryArgentina, Mexico

Dolores lived the life of a higher-class student until her best friend was found brutally murdered. Two years later, she’s the only indicted suspect for a crime that attracts a lot of media attention and has placed her in the center of the public eye. Dolores spends her days preparing for the trial, secluded in her house as her parents work as a team ready to do anything to defend their daughter. The best lawyer is not enough, they obsessively control around her: how she looks, what she does, eats and who she sees. But as the trial moves forward and pressure grows, suspicion and secrets emerge within the family. Cornered, increasingly isolated and just when any mistake could prove disastrous, Dolores puts the entire strategy at risk.

Markimdb: 7.3
Genremelodrama, drama

Gabriel rents a room in Juan’s House. They work together in a Woodwork place. Gabriel is a very quiet guy and has a little daughter. Juan is a party boy who has a lots of girls around. Inadvertently the sexual tension starts to grow between them. It opens a new hidden forbidden world they have to deal with.

Markimdb: 7.7
Genredrama, history
CountryArgentina, United Kingdom, USA

A team of lawyers takes on the heads of Argentina's bloody military dictatorship during the 1980s in a battle against odds and a race against time.

Markimdb: 6.3
CountryChile, Argentina, Portugal, France

A young writer recounts an earlier romance in hopes of attracting his new love interest.
