Justus von Dohnanyi — Filmography

Justus von Dohnanyi
Actor, Director, Producer. Popular movies: A Coffee in Berlin (2012), Men in the City 2 (2011), Frau Müller muss weg! (2015)


By years
Der Bankraub (movie 2015)
imdb: 6.9
lead role Helmut Draeger
Ludwig II (movie 2012)
imdb: 6.1
Johann (Freiherr von), Lutz
A Coffee in Berlin (movie 2012)
imdb: 7.3
lead role Karl Speckenbach
Yoko (movie 2012)
imdb: 4.6
Prof. Kellerman
Ruhm (movie 2012)
imdb: 5.2
Joachim Ebling
Men in the City 2 (movie 2011)
imdb: 6.2
lead role Bruce Berger
Before the Fall (movie 2004)
imdb: 7.4
Gauleiter Heinrich Stein
Downfall (movie 2004)
imdb: 8.2
General der Infanterie Wilhelm Burgdorf
Amen. (movie 2002)
imdb: 7.2
Baron Von Otter
drama: 48 (30%)
comedy: 23 (14%)
thriller: 15 (9%)
crime: 10 (6%)
adventure: 9 (6%)
history: 9 (6%)
military: 8 (5%)
biography: 8 (5%)
family: 8 (5%)
action: 6 (4%)
Popular films and TV series
